Motivational Speaking at Schools

Isa is a captivating public speaker who never fails to engage an audience of young people. She is passionate about her work partnering with secondary schools to speak with students on media literacy and nutrition misinformation spread online.

Her popular "Food Glorious Food" presentation is appropriate for year 7 upwards and focuses on fostering a healthy relationship with food and body image. Isa also works closely with pastoral staff and school nurses so she can tailor her talks to specific year group concerns. The talks have received very positive feedback (see testimonials below) and have prompted students to reach out for support if they feel that they are struggling. Isa has also run drop-in sessions for students where they can bring their own concerns to a safe and non-judgemental space.

More recently, Isa has also been running presentations for parents and staff of helping teens foster a healthy relationship with food and body image. Through these initiatives, Isa hopes to help schools cultivate more positive, inclusive and supportive environments for students when it comes to food and body image.

So far Isa has partnered with Heathfield, St Mary’s Ascot, Cheltenham Ladies College, Downe House, St Benedict’s, Queen’s College London, Aiglon College and Queen’s Gate.

To find out more, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Testimonials from students and teachers:


“Having researched a fair amount about social media and diet culture recently, I was so sceptical about lectures around this topic as 99% of the time I am left feeling unimpressed and underwhelmed. However, Isa's myth-busting interactive talk was an absolute 10/10.”

“I really liked how she clarified what fake things we might have heard from social media.”

“I learned that you really need to eat a balanced diet as food basically fuels your whole body and you need it for so many different things in your body and that there are no miracle foods.”

“I learned that you should eat things that make you happy and to not be so caught up in looking at the calories too much.”

“I felt it was really important how Isa encouraged us to have a good relationship with food. I thought it was interesting that sugar isn't scientifically proven to be addictive.”

I contacted Isa Robinson a couple of years ago during our most desperate times when our daughter was suffering from Anorexia at the age of 17.  It is a terrifyingly dangerous mental illness which can move rapidly. Finding good help or seeing teams whether in the NHS or Private teams felt near impossible.   

I messaged many friends and a couple from different parts of the country and different schools came back to me with Isa. Isa speaks at schools in an honest and clear way to help schools and teachers spot early warning signs and to understand the illness.   

She can also hold year group talks tailored at the girls so they can ask questions that confuse them about food and what they are unsure about. It is a very complex subject in todays world and knowledge from experts like Isa and her team is essential.

Every school should have an Isa Robinson lecture or there to have an initial chat with parents or a girl or boy that someone is worried about.  Catching eating disorders or disordered eating early can save child’s life. 

“I learned new things about food and the way our bodies work, I practised sitting through uncomfortable emotions and realisations, and most of all I was highly impressed at the academic content itself and the way that everything was so well explained.”

“It was very interactive with a fun true or false game and very interesting and informative.”"

“Isa was very knowledgeable about the topic, and it showed as she had a very detailed PowerPoint presentation. What was good was that she wasn’t reading off the PowerPoint word for word, so she had memorised basically the entire thing which I thought was really good.”

“It was super easy to talk to Isa as she made it a very comfortable environment, she also has changed my perspective on food and social media in a positive way by reassuring us that not everything online is true/healthy.”

Isa has been working in partnership with our school for several years, she is a superb asset to any Pastoral team. Her knowledge and insight into nutrition are clear and it is expressed to pupils in a relatable way which helps them to identify the thinking traps they have developed around food. Isa has helped us to educate parents on the ways to talk to their children and role model their own relationship with food. In a nutshell, don’t let her youth deceive you! Isa is what every School needs, an expert in food and nutrition with a caring and approachable manner whom our pupils feel comfortable talking what ever stage of the eating spectrum they find themselves: those questioning food choices, to those with established Eating disorders.

“It was helpful that she talked about rumours and things people say that aren’t true at all and how this fake news spreads very quickly and how we should be careful with what we read online and who we are influenced by. She also debunked a couple of examples that many of us had actually heard or read about. So collectively I think that we all learned something.”

“I learned that you don't have to stop eating your favourite foods to be healthy and a lot of things on social media are fake.”

“I liked getting to know the truth behind dieting and fasting. Going more in-depth in nutrition.”

“I learnt something new. I learnt that you are not what you eat, and you are allowed to eat food that makes you happy. I liked that the speaker was knowledgeable and the session was interactive.”