Season 1 Episode 1 - What Even is Intuitive Eating? With Evelyn Tribole
Evelyn Tribole, MS, RDN, CEDRD-S
Co-author and co-creator of Intuitive Eating
Welcome to the very first episode of the 50 Shades of Food & Nutrition podcast! I hope you enjoy & make sure to come back next week, April 13th, for our second very special guest.
I want to give another another huge thank you to our sponsor, Daye Tampons. Use the code "Shades5" to get £5 off your first box when you subscribe! 💫
In the very first episode, I speak to the co-founder of Intuitive Eating, Evelyn Tribole. While working in private practice, she and her co-founder Elyse Resch, noticed that people could lose weight temporarily but people kept coming back when they would regain the weight they lost. So Evelyn and Elyse looked to the evidence available that dieting is not helpful for long-term health in the vast majority of people, and the first edition of Intuitive Eating was created in 1995. Over the past 25+ years, Intuitive Eating has evolved and the 4th edition was published in 2020.
Evelyn is an award-winning Registered Dietitian with a private nutrition counselling practice in Newport Beach, California. She specialises in eating disorders, disordered eating, and coeliac disease. She is the author of 9 books, a supervisor and Intuitive Eating counsellor trainer, and has extensive experience as a dietitian in the media. She was the nutrition expert for Good Morning America, the national spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association for 6 years, and was a contributing editor for Shape magazine for 11 years with her column Recipe Makeovers.
Evelyn is an avid skier and hiker, and enjoys surfing, kayaking and white water rafting. She also qualified for the Olympic Trials in the first-ever women’s marathon in 1984!
In this episode we chatted about:
✨What actually is Intuitive Eating?
✨The scientific basis for the creation of Intuitive Eating
✨The current research that shows the benefits to Intuitive Eating
✨How Evelyn got to this work: Her background, how diet culture and a weight-centric approach weren’t great for patients
✨Why diets don’t work, and why everyone thinks they will be in that 1% of “successful dieters”
✨How dieting disrupts your life
✨What Intuitive Eating IS NOT and how to spot fake IE - diet culture is a shapeshifter
✨What holds people in dieting? And how you can start to limit that diet culture voice
✨How Intuitive Eating is all about re-learning, and setbacks are totally normal!
✨How to start making peace with food, and the nuances of this principle Evelyn often calls the “paradox principle”
✨Thin privilege and healing your relationship to food
✨Intuitive Eating is rebuilding trust in your body! Every time you honour your appetite and look for satisfaction in food is another step to food freedom
✨How to start your IE journey, plus how to get training as a healthcare professional
More from Evelyn
Evelyn’s new book! Order on Amazon
Instagram: @evelyntribole
More about Intuitive Eating
Want to know more about IE? Order the Intuitive Eating book (4th edition)
Health care professionals: Become an Intuitive Eating counsellor
Check out our “what is IE?” blog
Our blog on “common IE myths”
All Intuitive Eating research studies up to 2018
Find a 2020 CNN article about a person's experience with Intuitive Eating healing their relationship to food {CW: Reference to eating disorders and disordered eating behaviours}.
More from Isa Robinson
Find me on Instagram @isarobinson_nutrition
Looking for 121 nutrition counselling support? Enquire on our website
Hear Isa speaking to Laura Thomas about “what gym bros get wrong about IE” on Don’t Salt My Game pod & hear Jess talking about “real vs fake IE”
Studies mentioned & extra resources
2020 pilot study using the IE workbook
Body positivity / body confidence accounts to follow
The 50 Shades of Food & Nutrition can be found on Spotify, Google podcasts, and Breaker.