We are a team of highly experienced clinicians offering nutrition and dietetic support for eating disorders, disordered eating and recovery from chronic dieting based in London and via zoom. We offer holistic, personalised and compassionate care to help you rediscover confidence and trust in nourishing your body.
Health encompasses physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing. This broad definition is central to our work with clients.
We don’t just look at food and eating but explore sleep, movement, stress management, social interactions, your personal interests and other factors which influence overall vitality.
We are human beings first and foremost before nutrition professionals. We know that struggling with food and body image can be an exhausting, distressing and lonely place.
Our approach is centred on kindness and understanding so that you feel seen, heard and respected throughout your journey. We believe that you are the expert of you and the boss of your own body. Our role is to help you unlock your own inner wisdom in a compassionate and non-judgmental way.
Our in-depth assessment of your circumstances, preferences, needs and goals allows us to create a personalised care plan that meets you where you’re at.
I will provide evidence-based nutrition science, resources, homework exercises and nutrition counselling, but ultimately, you will decide what feels helpful and what goals you would specifically like to work towards.
Nutrition counselling considers the mutual importance of both what we eat, as well as the ways in which we think and feel about food and our bodies, or our relationship with food.
In my practice, I work with individuals on a spectrum of different food, dieting and body image-related concerns from diagnosed eating disorders to feeling stuck on the merry go round of dieting. My aim is to help client’s foster freedom and flexibility so that they can more confidently manage food, eating, movement and self-care habits from a place of compassion and self-trust.