Season 1 Episode 2 - The DL on Diet Culture With Laura Thomas
Laura Thomas, PhD, PgDip, RNutr
Founder of the London Centre for Intuitive Eating, host of the Don’t Salt My Game podcast, and author of Just Eat It and How to Just Eat It
This week’s guest is Laura Thomas! Make sure to tune in next week for another special guest.
I want to give another another huge thank you to our sponsor, Daye Tampons. Use the code "Shades5" to get £5 off your first box when you subscribe! 💫
Laura Thomas, PhD, PgDip, RNutr, who is an expert in non-diet nutrition and is a leader in the Intuitive Eating world. Laura is founder of the London Centre of Intuitive Eating, which is a London based clinic of nutritionists and dietitians providing weight-inclusive, body affirming, trauma informed care for people to heal their relationship to food.
Laura is the author of two books, Just Eat It and her new book How to Just Eat It. Since 2016, Laura has hosted the popular podcast Don’t Salt My Game which speaks about diet trends and myths, Intuitive Eating, and lots of interesting important topics including intersectionality and the underlying systems of diet culture like racism and ableism. Laura was the nutrition consultant for the BBC documentary “Mind Over Marathon'', where she supported people who were suffering from mental health problems training for a marathon. She has appeared in numerous publications including Huffington Post, New Scientist, Men’s Health, The Guardian, and Red magazine.
In this episode we talk about:
🎇 What is body affirming care? And what’s the need for weight-inclusive healthcare?
🎇 What actually is Intuitive Eating and Laura’s journey to becoming a non-diet nutritionist
🎇 All the ways that diet culture is normalised
🎇 How the fit against diet culture doesn’t end with calling out influencers, and all the systems of oppression that underpin it (and why we need to be angry with those)
🎇 What social media gets wrong about the Body Positivity movement
🎇 A sneak peak into some activities in Laura’s new book How to Just Eat It
More from Laura
Instagram @laurathomasphd
London Centre for Intuitive Eating Instagram @intuitiveeatingldn
How to Just Eat It - Laura’s new workbook style book
Just Eat It - Laura’s 1st book
LCIE weight-inclusive guides for health concerns {eg PCOS, IBS, pregnancy}
Don’t Salt My Game podcast w/ 120+ episodes!
More from Isa Robinson
Find me on Instagram @isarobinson_nutrition
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Resources and people mentioned
Sabrina Strings book The Racial Origins of Fatphobia: Fearing the Black Body
Check out our blog about diet culture
Anti-diet riot community @antidietriotclub
Happy Fat book by @sofiehagendk
Fattily Ever After book by @stephanieyeboah
Big Girl: How I Gave Up Dieting and Got a Life book by @mskelseymiller
What We Don't Talk About When We Talk About Fat book by @yrfatfriend
Why I've Chosen Body Liberation Over Self Love blog @themilitantbaker
The 50 Shades of Food & Nutrition podcast can be found on Spotify, Google podcasts, and Breaker.