Season 1 Episode 8 - Be a Food Realist, Not a Food Perfectionist! With Maeve Hanan
Maeve Hanan, BSc, RD
Weight inclusive eating disorder & disordered eating Registered Dietitian, nutrition communicator, founder of Dietetically Speaking.
Thank you so much for tuning into this week's episode!
A huge thank you to Bimuno for supporting this episode. Use the code "shades20" for 20% off your order ✨
Maeve Hanan is a Registered Dietitian, nutrition communicator, author of the book Your No-Nonsense Guide to Eating Well and founder of Dietetically Speaking Ltd. Maeve is a scientific writer, with lots of publications in magazines and websites. Maeve produces nutrition education for The Food Medic (Dr Hazel Wallace) social media.
Maeve is a clinician providing weight-inclusive services for eating disorders and disordered eating. She has also a huge range of working in different specialities in the NHS, including paediatrics, gut health, and allergies. Maeve is passionate and experienced in fighting nutrition nonsense and helping people build a better relationship with food.
In this episode, we covered a whole bunch of topics, including:
🌠 The importance of nutrition communication
🌠 Why being a food realist, rather than a food perfectionist is key to a healthy relationship with food
🌠 Where the need to control food may stem from
🌠 The fear of weight changes
🌠 Why the healthiest choice isn’t always the most nutritious choice
🌠 It’s all about the long game - why all types of health matter
🌠 Debunking common myths about detoxes, gluten, dairy, and food intolerance tests
🌠 Maeve’s top tips for everyday gentle nutrition
More from Maeve
Instagram @dietitcallyspeaking
Your No-Nonsense Guide to Eating Well book!
Website - including 100s of blogs debunking online claims
Nutrimote Instagram @nutrimote
More from Isa Robinson
Find me on Instagram @isarobinson_nutrition
Looking for 121 nutrition counselling support? Enquire on our website
Extra reading & resources
Introduction to gluten & should you cut it out? On Maeve’s blog
10 myths about dairy debunked on Maeve’s blog
What’s the harm with fad diets? Maeve’s blog
Maeve’s top tips for eating well, on The Food Medic’s blog
What’s the low FODMAP diet & do I need to do it?
What does “detoxification” actually mean? Out blog post
Our blog on calorie counting
The 50 Shades of Food & Nutrition podcast can be found on Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Breaker.