Recommended Listening

Gut Health and Elimination Diets

Episode 81 of the nutrition matters podcast hosted by Paige Smathers, RDN, CD. This episode explores the link between eating disorders, disordered eating and digestive disturbances.

Dieting and Mental Health

My conversation with Joe on the Head First podcast on dieting, eating disorders, disordered eating and the importance of our relationship with food.

Intuitive Eating on Kitchen Club podcast

I chat to hosts Serena and Sarah about Intuitive eating and debunk some myths around popular dietary styles like intermittent fasting.

The All In Podcast - Hypothalamic Amenorrhea Basics

Dr Nicola Rinaldi author of No Period. Now What gives an overview of the mechanisms that underpin hypothalamic amenorrhoea.

Vegan Brain Health Q&A

In this episode of the Stronger minds podcast, psychologist Kimberley Wilson speaks to registered dietitian Sophie Medlin about supporting our brains if we follow a vegan diet.

Influence by Fitby

I chat to the founder of the Fitby podcast on what it means to be an influencer and why I decided to change how I use my voice on social media.

Intuitive Eating on Don’t Salt my Game

I chat to the amazing Registered Nutritionist Laura Thomas about the myths and misunderstandings around Intuitive Eating.

Nutrition Q&A

I love this episode of the Food medic podcast where Hazel interviews registered dietitian Maeve Hanan. Maeve brilliantly explains where the science is actually at and debunks all the ridiculous myths around food.

Nutrition, dieting and spirituality

I chat to Robyn Taffee about the dangers of diet culture, the thin ideal, body image, eating disorders, cognitive dietary restraint and self-compassion.

Freaking the F out - Nutrition

I talk to Kelsey Bennett and Maddy Scott about fad diets and the link between mood and food. I also explain what Intuitive Eating is all about.

Blowing the Lid Off Weight Science

I loved this episode of Don’t salt my game, where registered nutritionist Laura Thomas interviews Fiona Willer about the reality of weight science.

Don’t salt my game podcast

Laura Thomas’ podcast Don’t salt my game is one of my all time favourites. It covers so many important topics from Intuitive eating to body image, weight stigma and social justice.

Brian Keane Fitness - food addiction & diet culture

I talk to Brian about food addiction, sugar, diet culture and disordered eating.