Recommended Reading

The newly revamped 4th edition of the original book by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch.
A powerful book by Brené Brown that helps us feel more comfortable with our imperfections and cultivate wholehearted living.
I gobbled up every word of this beautiful book. The writing is as sweet as an iced bun, as punchy as Korean Bang Bang chicken and holds all the comfort of a steaming bowl of risotto whilst holding no prisoners when it comes to diet culture and “wellness”. Eat it all up!
Laura Thomas’ second book looks at how we can start to practically apply the 10 principles of Intuitive eating. It’s full of practical exercises to help you on your journey to food freedom.
Laura' Thomas’ debut book helping us all get our shit together around food.
Will make you laugh and cry. A powerful and moving true story about one woman’s journey to food freedom through Intuitive eating after a lifetime of dieting.
Anti Diet
Christy Harrison, dietitian and host of the "Food Psych” podcast helps us to reclaim our time, money, health, and happiness from our toxic diet culture and heal our relationship to food and body through Intuitive Eating.
A memoir by Harriet Brown, a mother helping her daughter through recovery from Anorexia.
Body Respect: What conventional health books get wrong, leave out and just plain fail to understand about weight by Lucy Aphramor and Linda Bacon is a must read for anyone looking to find out a little bit more about Health at Every Size and weight inclusive approaches to health care.
Sick Enough
An extremely important book by Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani on the medical complications of Eating Disorders. An absolute must for all clinicians in this area and also for anyone who’s every felt their Eating disorder overlooked or misunderstood - you are worthy of support.
Personal trainer Tally Rye’s first book taking the principles of Intuitive eating and applying them to movement to help you foster a “healthy” and happy relationship to movement.
Linda Bacon’s book that will change everything you think you know about the so called “obesity epidemic”.
No period. Now what? By Nicola Rinaldi has helped numerous individuals regain their cycle with advice around food and lifestyle. The book has a wealth of information including tips on how to implement some of the suggestions despite some discomfort.
The Beauty Myth
Naomi Wolf’s confronting book about how images of “beauty” are used against women. Eye opening and crucially important.
Giulia Enders sheds light on our incredible organ - the gut.