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For the last time - Why refined sugar free is not a thing
“No refined sugar' is the most recent label to be brandished all over food packaging. But what is no refined sugar? Most of us think of it as “healthier” sugar like honey, maple syrup or other (probably quite expensive) alternative. But what does the science say?

My Top 8 Tips for Healthy Bones
Following on from my previous article “An Introduction to Bone Health”, I thought I’d share my top 8 tips for healthy bones.

An Introduction to Bone Health
OSTEOPOROSIS is characterised by reduced bone mass and increased porosity and fracture risk. We think of Osteoporosis as being mainly a concern for elderly individuals, however the most crucial years for osteoporosis prevention maybe before we’re 25, specifically during puberty.

Is all inflammation bad and what role can omega 3 play in the inflammatory response.

Stress & IBS
Did you know IBS is the most common disorder encountered by gastroenterologists, suspected to impact 5-20% people worldwide (Park et al, 2015).

Let's talk detoxification
“I’m on a detox” - we’ve all heard someone say it, we’ve possibly even said it ourselves. But what actually is detoxing and do we need to part take in the process?

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