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Food addiction - Where’s the science at?
Have you ever felt addicted to food? It can be quite common for individuals to experience so-called food addiction. The aim of this article isn’t to invalidate your experience of this, it’s just to explore some of the scientific studies on this topic and then perhaps offer some general guidance for helping you feel less addicted to food.

What is diet culture?
As a rule of thumb, diet culture is anything that equates health and beauty to slenderness and links food and eating to morality.
It’s the system that tells you that you are what you eat, that you need to earn your food and that you “should” spend time, money and effort into making your body smaller or stronger or look a certain way, or that you are “good” when you eat certain types of foods, and “bad” when you eat others.

The Calorie Conundrum
How often has a calorie count impacted your food choice? Example: You walk into Pret at lunch time and scan the shelves.
You’re drawn to a satisfying option, but immediately see the calorie count and think, gosh I can’t possibly have that and pick something within a “safe” range instead. Seeing or knowing the calories in a particular food item can play quite a significant role in our choices. But more importantly, is this information accurate and do you find it helpful or unhelpful?

An Introduction to Intuitive Eating
Intuitive eating, it’s become rather trendy of late, but what actually is Intuitive Eating and more importantly is there any evidence to back it up? In short, yes.

For the last time - Why refined sugar free is not a thing
“No refined sugar' is the most recent label to be brandished all over food packaging. But what is no refined sugar? Most of us think of it as “healthier” sugar like honey, maple syrup or other (probably quite expensive) alternative. But what does the science say?

Help with Eating on Holiday
I’m lucky enough to be in the beautiful South of France at the moment for some sun, sea and vitamin D. After many months of exams and deadlines, I am loving the break from my routine, not setting alarms and of course, all the french food.

My Top 8 Tips for Healthy Bones
Following on from my previous article “An Introduction to Bone Health”, I thought I’d share my top 8 tips for healthy bones.

An Introduction to Bone Health
OSTEOPOROSIS is characterised by reduced bone mass and increased porosity and fracture risk. We think of Osteoporosis as being mainly a concern for elderly individuals, however the most crucial years for osteoporosis prevention maybe before we’re 25, specifically during puberty.

Is all inflammation bad and what role can omega 3 play in the inflammatory response.

Stress & IBS
Did you know IBS is the most common disorder encountered by gastroenterologists, suspected to impact 5-20% people worldwide (Park et al, 2015).

Starting the conversation: Talking about diet, food and nutrition with athletes
A large majority of the research has shown that aesthetic sport participants–such as gymnastics, figure skating–are at a greater risk for developing an eating disorder than those in sports such as cricket in which a lean physique does not better performance or have an aesthetic advantage (Sundgot-Borgen & Torstveit, 2004).

What are Air Foods?
Air foods are typically foods low in calories, which fill up our tummies but offer little sustenance. Think popcorn, rice cakes, celery sticks and diet coke!

I'm a Celeb as the Modern Day Minnesota Starvation Experiment
I am always fascinated by how much I’m a celeb contestants talk about hunger.

Let's talk detoxification
“I’m on a detox” - we’ve all heard someone say it, we’ve possibly even said it ourselves. But what actually is detoxing and do we need to part take in the process?

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