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What is positive body image?
Isabella Robinson Isabella Robinson

What is positive body image?

Body image refers to how we think and feel about the way that our body looks, and how we experience our bodies. This means that body image also includes how we subjectively evaluate our appearance and how we feel in our bodies, too.

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Should I be intermittent fasting?
Isabella Robinson Isabella Robinson

Should I be intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting (IF) refers to recurring periods with little or no food intake. A really common example is the 5:2. On fasting days, a person’s intake may be limited to non-calorific fluids such as water, tea, coffee and diet drinks, or it may allow a very restricted amount of daily calories from food. So in short: yes, intermittent fasting is another diet.

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What Is Weight Stigma?
Isabella Robinson Isabella Robinson

What Is Weight Stigma?

Weight stigma (also known as weight discrimination or weight-based bias), is discrimination, negative judgements or stereotyping based solely on a person’s weight. It has been argued that weight stigma remains the last “socially acceptable” form of discrimination.

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My Childhood Relationship with Food.
Isabella Robinson Isabella Robinson

My Childhood Relationship with Food.

I was sorting through some old photos the other day and I stumbled across some childhood pictures of eating ice cream and baking with my younger brother. It really got me thinking back to my relationship with food as a younger child.

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What is interoceptive awareness? 
Isabella Robinson Isabella Robinson

What is interoceptive awareness? 

When was the last time you felt nervous, thirsty or the need to pee? How did you know that you were feeling these things? Perhaps you began to notice your heart beating a little faster in your chest, the feeling of distention, discomfort and urgency that accompanies a full bladder, or a dry mouth.

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Navigating emotional eating
Isabella Robinson Isabella Robinson

Navigating emotional eating

Emotional eating is a completely “normal” part of eating. Food may be used as reward or bribe, it may also be used to calm, soothe, numb or push down difficult emotions. In the grand scheme, there are far more dangerous coping mechanisms we could turn to.

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